Τρίτη 14 Μαρτίου 2023


 I m pretty sure that Lana Del Rey is not going to change anything in her music. Try something else.That's it and  i m also pretty sure that her fans doesn't want her to change in anything.There are many fans, vinyl collectors and music lovers out there that buy Lana but not stream her music.So apart from her albums Lana Del Ray is not on the single charts.Now next week, Lana Del Rey is releasing a new album, "Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd".So far she released two songs from that album and now you have a third one to get you in the mood. The song was co-written with Mike Hermosa, and it features backing vocals from Melodye Perry, Pattie Howard, and Shikena Jones.I think that the first listen is very promising for your playlist and i really love the intro before it turns to another sad love song from Lana.

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