Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


 Have a nice week soundfisters...

With all that Diddy thing i m kinda feel a repulse towards rap music and the mentality behind it especially the last 30 years.Rap music wasn't that corrupt in the beggining and some will say it's not just rap music.The music industry as all societies hides a lot of dirty sick secrets and at some point they need to be exposed.The fact that many names are soon going down with Diddy it's a needed situation if you ask me and you know the names they all talk about.The rise and fall of people with fame because of their greed and sick personalities will be a good example for bringing sometimes justice to those who have the power in any form.

But this blog focuses to music trying many times to avoid the human behaviour of artists that promote their asses instead of their art covering up their lack of talent.Now south London rapper Ndotz for some strange reason and a lot of Tik Tok choreography is currently trending with "Embrace It" that will be the new comet in the charts.That's the fact whether you "embrace it or not".

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