Σάββατο 11 Μαΐου 2024


 Remember him?Well Macklemore is back with a political song a protest for Gaza called "Hind's Hall".I will take back what i said about what music should be cause it can also be weaponized in certain issues.My only arguement is that it chooses issues for instance i haven't seen any protests or songs for Ukraine or what's happening in other parts of the world.Macklemore’s blistering anthem takes aim at Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza and it comes at a time when student protests around the USA are pushing the conflict and America’s role in it to the forefront of cultural debate.Though Macklemore doesn’t have the reputation for political activism that other artists have, it’s not for lack of trying and a nice way to comeback to the music industry.This bold music-political stand is currently trending and selling.Antisemitism is trending while everybody seemed to forgot what happened few months back in Israel.

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