Πέμπτη 11 Ιανουαρίου 2024


 Being provocative is what he is but everything needs to be under a certain kind of control.Lil Nas X returns in music by releasing his brand new single "J Christ" with the cover art on full display causing a substantial religious backlash.After defending himself on social media by saying that he is not trying a mockery of Jesus, the two-time Grammy winner shared his acceptance letter to Liberty University, where he plans on studying Christian leadership and biblical studies.He said that he is also planning a gospel album anytime soon.Oh he knows how to play the game of publicity so well but in a country where Trump-ism, country and gospel music is on the rise he better watch out.As for the song i m really not impressed after the very few first hearings.But the thing is that he is going once more to be on every social media by sending a lot of famous people up the ladder to heaven...

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